Best answer
I miei auguri
If you want to send regards, in the form “Say him, I wish him all the best”, in Italian you could render so “ Fagli i miei auguri” (“fa i miei auguri a lui).
And variations: tutti gli auguri, tutti i migliori (all good things), i migliori auguri (formal situations), ogni bene (all the good in the world).
So, in situation other than regards, “ogni bene” would BEST translate a sentence like: “all the best in the world money cannot buy” (which is an example not the truth): “I soldi non possono comprare ogni bene del mondo”.
Or, if you are talking of a set of objects or persons who excel in a certain aspect as compared with others, “tutti i migliori” would be the BEST of ‘em all: “Tutti i migliori professionisti del paese sono in casa: arredisti, designer, scultori, artefici, restauratori, ricamisti, ed architetti specialistici, i cui non potrebbero mancare, naturalmente”.
Literally it”s Con amore, but, depending on the context, that might not be the phrase you want to use. English uses love quite casually to mean all kinds of love. In Italian, love tends to designate romantic love. In order to mitigate that notion, for a lesser degree of commitment, we use other words. If its a closing line in a letter or card, we have a vast array of alternatives. You might want to look at Con affetto (with affection), Ti voglio bene (I am fond of you), Un (forte) abbraccio (A (strong) hug), Baci (Kisses), Cari saluti (Warm salutations – sickeningly pompous in English, very casual in Italian), A presto (To soon – i.e. See you soon/Talk to you soon)…