In Japanese, how do you say 'congratulations'?

Best answer

You could say おめでとう (omedetou, pronounced o-meh-deh-toe) to a friend, colleague, child, or subordinate. You would say おめでとうございます (omedetou gozaimasu, with gozaimasu pronounced goh-zy-mahs) to someone older than you, ranked higher than you in the office hierarchy, or that you don”t know very well.


Here are some examples!

1)Congratulations on your new baby! 赤ちゃんのご誕生おめでとうございます!

2)Congratulations on your new little family member! 家族の小さな新メンバーに祝福を!

3)Wishing the new arrival the very best! 赤ちゃんの幸せを願っています!

4)(Name)! What a beautiful name. Congratulations! (名前) !すごく素敵な名前だね。おめでとう!

5)A new baby boy/girl! So happy for you.Congratulations! 男の子/女の子!とても嬉しいです。おめでとう!

6)Welcome to the world, little one! So happy that you are here. 赤ちゃん、外の世界へようこそ!生まれてきてくれて心から嬉しいです。

7)Say Hi for me to your precious jewel! あなたの大切な宝物によろしく伝えてね!

8)Wishing you and the new born baby all the best for the future. 赤ちゃんの素晴らしい未来を願っております。

9)I’m really excited that your new baby arrived happy and healthy. 赤ちゃんが無事に生まれたと聞いてとっても嬉しいです!

10)May you both be happy and healthy. 母子ともに元気で幸せでありますように。


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